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Graduates Holding Diplomas



Post-Doctoral Training


The TAP Clinic and our clinicians hold a value of training the next generation of therapists in evidence-based models. As part of this commitment, we currently offer two clinician-in-training programs.



The TAP Clinic Practicum Training Program 

The TAP Clinic Practicum program is a two-year intensive training program in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for UNC doctoral students in clinical psychology. Students must be at least a rising third year in UNC's program and in good standing with their program to apply. We accept students across two “tracks”- an adolescent and adult track. A student must choose only one track for their training*. 


Adult Track: The adult track focuses on traditional DBT, developed by Marsha Linehan. The curriculum is based on her original treatment manual and updated skills manuals. Students on this track will be placed in our adult groups (Year 1) and assigned adult individual therapy clients (Year 2). They will be supervised by clinicians with adult DBT expertise, a list of which can be found here


Adolescent Track: The adolescent track focuses on DBT for Adolescents, or DBT-A. The curriculum is based on the DBT adaptation for middle and high school adolescents and families using the treatment manuals developed by Rathus and Miller (2015). Students on this track will be placed in our adolescent multifamily groups (Year 1) and assigned adolescent individual therapy clients (Year 2). They will be supervised by clinicians with DBT-A expertise, a list of which can be found here.


*Across tracks, students may be given opportunities to treat clients or lead groups outside of their “track.” This is common when a student is interested in a broader age range (e.g., adolescents and young adults) or would like experience leading a different group. It is not assumed that you can only see clients or be in groups specific to your track, but we do ask you to request the track that best fits your training goals and clinical experience. 


To learn more about the Prac Training Program, including requesting our full brochure, please contact the Training Director, Dr. Kathryn Byars here.



The TAP Clinic Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programs

The TAP Clinic also offers post-doctoral fellowships within our DBT and Transdiagnostic Treatment programs. The fellowship programs are designed to help early career psychologists obtain licensure in North Carolina while obtaining in-depth training in an area of specialty. 


For more information on our current DBT fellowships, please see here.


For more information on our current Transdiagnostic & Exposure Treatment fellowship, please see here


We can also be found on the APPIC directory by searching here. For any questions about the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, please contact the Training Director, Dr. Kathryn Byars, here. Upon request, she will be happy to send you further materials, including a full brochure.  





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