Evidence Based Therapies
The Unified Protocol (UP)
talk therapy
The UP is an active, present-focused therapy that involves collaboration with your therapist to understand and manage your emotions.
The UP helps you identify, understand, and skillfully manage strong emotions.
The UP is designed to give you concrete skills that you can use to help manage strong emotions in everyday life.
The TAP clinic currently offers UP through individual therapy.
What the Unified Protocol (UP) is:
The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) is an empirically-supported treatment designed to help patients who find their emotions are getting in the way of their day-to-day life, especially patients who experience more than one emotion-related problem (e.g., depression and anxiety). The goal of the UP is to help people understand and manage their emotions in ways that are consistent with their long-term goals. This treatment is a very active, present-focused therapy in which individuals are taught skills for managing strong emotions. These skills include: breaking down emotional experiences to understand them better, mindfulness, thinking flexibly about emotion-provoking situations, learning to experience and tolerate uncomfortable physical sensations, and engaging in new and effective behaviors when experiencing strong emotions.
What UP treats:
As a transdiagnostic treatment, the UP was developed to help anyone struggling to manage intense emotions, regardless of their diagnoses. Growing research suggests that this treatment is able to help individuals experiencing a wide range of mental health concerns including: anxiety, mood, obsessive-compulsive, trauma-related, and personality disorders, as well as problems that do not have a specific diagnostic label, such as dysregulated anger or self-harm, and has shown benefit for concerns such as misophonia.
To learn more about the UP, check out relevant blog posts: Introduction to the UP with Dr. Robbins.